About HB

My Grandma always used to tell me growing up that “when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade”. Except, she always made sure to remind me that life gave me a shit ton of lemons… like, more than enough to serve the whole neighborhood lemonade for weeks, but I STILL made my lemonade, nonetheless.

This podcast is symbolic of the choice that I made back then & the choice I continue to make every single day to be better than I was the day before. To be better than anybody ever expected me to be. I’m making lemonade IN SPITE of those who thought the lemons would break me. People need to know that while the shit they have been through sucked & it changed them & it may not be fair— it does not DEFINE them.

I want to help you share your lemonade story with the world because you deserve to be heard.

Recovery is for the addicted, the abused, the neglected, the exploited, & the voiceless— but you don’t have to do it alone— there is a whole world of people healing around you! So prepare for honesty & swearing & some of the most incredible stories of people who came from the most fucked up lemon lives.

I am on a mission to help people get OVR their shit together!

—–Love You Always , Holly B.

If you are interested in sharing your story on the podcast, please fill out the form below and I will be in touch with you as soon as possible!

Podcast Interest Form